Please read the appropriate section below for tips on verifying the correct voltage and verifying if our light will fit your fixture.


To check your systems voltage:


A 120V bulb will not function in a 12V pool light system. Many customers assume their system is 120V because the fixture is labeled as such. But, often times, the previous owner converted the light to 12V without changing the label on the fixture. We want to make sure that you are positive that your fixture is indeed 120V. If you are unsure, here are a couple easy ways to check:

  • The existing bulb (not the fixture) has a 120V marking on it
  • Install a standard household 110V bulb into the pool light fixture. If it illuminates with proper brightness (without flickering), then your pool light fixture is 120V.

If you have not purchased the light yet, please select the proper voltage version of our light. We sell both 120V and 12V.

If you determine that you already bought the wrong voltage bulb, please contact us at so that we can exchange the bulb for the correct voltage.


A 12V bulb cannot be installed in a 120V pool light system. Since 80-90% of pool light fixtures in the U.S. are 120V, we want to make sure that you are positive that your fixture is indeed 12V before installation. If installed in a 120V fixture, the bulb will blow out instantly. If you are unsure, here are a few ways to check:

  • The existing bulb has a 12V marking on it
  • There is a 12V transformer visible
  • Install a standard household 110V bulb into the pool light fixture. If it properly illuminates, then your pool light fixture is NOT 12V. If it does not illuminate properly, then you indeed have a 12V fixture.

If you have not purchased the light yet, please select the proper voltage version of our light. We sell both 120V and 12V.

If you determine that you already bought the wrong voltage bulb, please contact us at so that we can exchange the bulb for the correct voltage.


To check if our light will fit your fixture:

Our lights have a standard e26 screw in style base. The same as a standard 110V household bulb. To verify if our light is compatible, first, turn off the power going to your fixture and then remove the existing light. Take a standard 110V household bulb with a e26 screw in base and see if it will screw into your fixture. You can use the same bulb for either a 120V or 12V fixture. However, DO NOT turn the power on. You are only checking to see if the bulb fits. If it screws in properly you will then want to check the diameter and depth of your fixtures opening. Our light diameter and length are listed below. Measure the depth from inside the socket hole to the rim of the fixture. Then measure the diameter from left to right. If your fixture measurements are larger than our light measurements our light will fit.

120V and 12V PRO Lights - Diameter: 6-3/8" - Depth: 5-1/2"

120V and 12V Standard LightsDiameter: 6-5/8" - Depth: 5-3/8"

120V and 12V Spa Lights - Diameter: 2.5" - Depth: 3.625"