We have used and tested every one of these products, so you can be confident that they are great products.

NOTE: Discount codes issued by No More Green Technologies are NOT valid for these products as these are sold by other companies.


Pool Maintenance Items

3 inch Chlorine Tabs - 3 options

Chlorine Shock - 3 options

pH Increaser

pH reducerd

Alkalinity increaser


Pool Cleaners and Vacuums

Robotic Pool Vacuum Cleaner (Dolphin)

Cordless Vacuum Cleaner

Pool Pumps and Filters

Variable Speed Pool Pump - 3 hp options

Sand Filter - For above ground or unground

Cartridge type Filter - For above ground or unground

Miscellaneous Products

Mosquito Repellant 

Solar Pool Covers

Accessories that work with our 12V lights

12V Transformer - 100 Watt